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Nina Verklas Collection







Autumn/Winter 19

Autumn/Winter ‘21

About the Nina Verklas collection

Nina Verklas is a luxury, lifestyle brand, influenced by the cosmopolitan metropolis’s, vibrant architecture, music and culture. It features sleek, edgy, bold and effortless designs made for the contemporary urban professional woman charging through the fast paced world that is her stomping ground. The silhouettes are characterized by a modern sex appeal complemented by intricate, uniquely designed prints that give each capsule collection a fresh look every season.

Nina Verklas Collection originated from the success of 13 years and counting of Nina’s experience as a wardrobe stylist for leading US brands and her first collection Bambina By NV, launched in 2008. Bambina By NV comprised of one-of-a-kind collections that have received attention from the local press as well as features in national and international magazines. In 2012, Latin Billboard Awards four time nominee Nayer was recognized as “Best Dressed” on the red carpet while wearing Bambina by NV’s one of a kind outfit.

Nina later decided to launch a brand that was more accessible to the public with her self-titled ready to wear line Nina Verklas. The collection has been featured on TV, Magazines, worn by Sazan Hendrix, other celebrities and influencers. Inspired by the city gal who is confident and fearless you can find Nina Verklas Collection and Styling services online at