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Nina Verklas Banchon

Nina Verklas Banchon

Hi everyone,

  Thanks for checking out my site.  Don't get confused, yes, I am a fashion and prop stylist by day, fashion designer by night and art director on special projects.  Not to be stuck in a box here :)

  For the past 8+ years I have been a freelance fashion and prop stylist given the opportunity to work on projects with major retailers for their commercial on and off figure editorials, e-commerce, social media marking, stop motion, videos and 360* interactive photography.  Everyday in this freelance world is different, not one like the last and always keeping me on my toes.


For the past 8+ years I've been working hard to develop my style, design and art direction.  The truth is I have struggled with being put in a box, I am no one trick pony.  I love to work with clients on their special projects and find myself collaborating and taking pride in the outcome.  Nothing fuels me like the opportunity to expand my skill set, push me to the limit and put my blood sweat and tears in everything I do.

  After completing my Bachelors of Fine Arts in Fashion Design and Marketing in 2009 it would be only fitting that I launched my self titled clothing line


 It is my goal to be the "go to guru" of all things fashion, style and lifestyle.  My mother and grandmother taught me how to sew at the age of 6 and I knew then, that I wanted a creative career.  Throughout the years I integrated fashion into my lifestyle with everything I did, weather it was designing costumes every Halloween or for every school project!

  I attended IADT in Tampa, FL from 2006- 2009 to complete my BFA in fashion design and marketing.  I was always a go getter, but the crash in the job market made it difficult to find a job with a designer background.  This is when I stumbled upon an open position for a freelance styling assistant job and fell in love with working on different accounts, not one day was the same.  Before I knew it I was lead stylist for projects with major retailers for their commercial on and off figure editorials, base photography, social media marking photography, stop motion, videos and 360* interactive photography.

  While working as a freelance stylist, this gave me the opportunity to use some of the financial support from my successful styling career to invest in my dream as a fashion designer.  Spring 2014, I launched my self titled womens contemporary ready to wear line Nina Verklas.  The collection is for women in need of wear to work wardrobe staples that can transition from day to evening.

  I look forward to sharing each step of the way, be sure to connect on my social networks and for all updates you can subscribe below!


Nina Verklas

Nina Verklas